High-quality raw materials are the foundation of reliable refractory solutions. Pyrometal s.r.o. ensures the distribution of specialized raw materials with a focus on high purity, optimal composition, and long-term stability. We collaborate with leading global manufacturers and supply raw materials that meet the strictest standards for use in the metallurgical, glass, and petrochemical industries. Thanks to our expert knowledge, we can recommend the right materials for specific applications.
Protection at extreme temperatures is essential for the safe and efficient operation of industrial equipment. Pyrometal s.r.o. supplies top-quality refractory insulating materials that withstand high temperatures and chemical exposure. Our products enhance energy efficiency, reduce heat loss, and extend the lifespan of technological units in industries such as metallurgy, glass manufacturing, and chemical processing. We offer comprehensive solutions, from materials to technical consulting and application support.
Precision cutting of materials using laser technology is a key component of our production processes. Pyrometal s.r.o. utilizes advanced CNC laser cutting to achieve exceptional accuracy, minimal waste, and maximum processing efficiency. We can handle various types of metal materials with precision up to tenths of a millimeter, providing solutions for a wide range of industrial applications—from mechanical engineering to specialized constructions.
Pyrometal, s.r.o. provides comprehensive construction services with a focus on industrial and technological facilities. With years of experience and modern solutions, we offer custom-built projects that meet the highest standards of safety, efficiency, and long-term durability. Our work covers everything from design and project documentation to execution and final delivery of a fully functional structure.
Pyrometal, s.r.o. was founded in 2015 in Michalovce as a trading company focused on supplying equipment and solutions for industry. Initially covering a broader range of business activities, the company later specialized in the field of refractory insulation materials and raw materials.
Today, refractory insulation and raw materials for the production of refractory materials have become one of the company's main business pillars. We operate as the exclusive distributor of Morgan Thermal Ceramics, a global leader in refractory insulation and solutions, for the Slovak Republic.
In the supply of raw materials for the production of refractory materials, we have long-term cooperation with China’s largest companies specializing in the mining and processing of these raw materials.
Our main products include aluminum-based raw materials such as bauxite, tabular corundum, white and brown fused corundum, calcined and reactive alumina oxides, and magnesium-based materials, including fused and dead-burned magnesite.
Besides trading activities, our company also specializes in laser cutting of materials at our own facility in Halič and construction activities, including residential and non-residential building construction, renovations, energy efficiency improvements, and steel structure assembly.
We provide high-quality processed mineral raw materials with a focus on precision and reliability, ideal for various industrial applications.
Learn moreReliable refractory insulation and sealing materials for maximum efficiency and long service life.
Learn moreWe utilize the latest laser technologies for precise cutting and material processing across various industries.
Learn moreWe carry out a wide range of construction projects, from foundations to finishing works, with a focus on quality and reliability.
Learn moreWe combine years of experience with the latest technologies to provide you with solutions that are precise, efficient, and reliable.
We take care of the entire process – from design to implementation – so you can focus on your business without unnecessary worries.
Every project is unique. We adapt to your requirements and guarantee a high standard of quality and reliability.
Predmetom činnosti spoločnosti je komplexné zabezpečenie stavieb, ktoré zahŕňa všetky fázy od projektovania, cez inžiniering, realizáciu až po starostlivosť o objekt po jeho dokončení. Cieľom spoločnosti je uľahčiť zákazníkovi proces a poskytnúť mu v náročnom trhovom prostredí pohodlné a spoľahlivé riešenia v oblasti stavebníctva.
Naša spoločnosť sa špecializuje na výstavbu kvalitných obytných a neobytných budov, ktoré spájajú moderný dizajn, bezpečnosť a dlhodobú udržateľnosť.
Ponúka komplexné rekonštrukcie budov, ktoré zlepšujú ich funkčnosť, energetickú efektívnosť a estetičnosť, pričom zachovávame vysoké štandardy kvality a bezpečnosti.
Špecializujeme sa na znižovanie energetickej náročnosti budov, implementovaním moderných riešení, ktoré zlepšujú energetickú efektívnosť a prispievajú k šetreniu nákladov a ochrane životného prostredia.
Zameriavame sa na návrh, výrobu a montáž oceľových konštrukcií, ktoré poskytujú vysokú pevnosť, stabilitu a dlhodobú spoľahlivosť pre rôzne typy projektov.
Spoločnosť Pyrometal je lídrom v oblasti poskytovania inovatívnych priemyselných riešení v oblasti kovového spracovania. Naša odborná expertíza a pokročilé technológie nám umožňujú ponúknuť našim klientom komplexné a efektívne riešenia na mieru, ktoré zvyšujú produktivitu a kvalitu výrobkov.
Naše riešenia sú prispôsobiteľné pre akékoľvek podmienky. Na základe analýzy Vášho zariadenia navrhneme optimálne riešenie, pričom materiály dodávame presne na mieru podľa Vašich požiadaviek. Bežne používané materiály máme skladom, čo nám umožňuje zabezpečiť dodávky presne v stanovenom čase.
Priemyselné pogumovanie
Technológie na úpravu vody
Kompletné technologické celky
Chemikálie a davkovacie zariadenia
Meracie a regulačné komponenty
Správny výber kotvenia, či už oceľového alebo keramického, pre inštaláciu vláknitých, tehlových výmuroviek alebo betónu, má priamy vplyv na životnosť celého agregátu, znižuje náklady na opravy a zvyšuje bezpečnosť a spoľahlivosť zariadenia. Kotvenie ponúkame na mieru podľa konkrétnej inštalácie, z rôznych materiálov, najčastejšie z nerezovej ocele 310, ale aj z iných materiálov. Radi Vám pomôžeme s návrhom kotvenia a jeho inštaláciou a tešíme sa na Vašu dôveru.
We support local projects, educational institutions, and sports teams to contribute to the development of the community and region.
Are you looking for a reliable partner for your projects in the industrial and construction sector? We offer custom solutions that take into account the specific requirements of each client. With our experience, we help deliver projects efficiently, safely, and on time. Contact us to find out how we can achieve success together.
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